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Junior Congregation
January 25th at 11:00am
Sisterhood Shabbat
Saturday, January 25th

Register by January 20th

Jewish Community Choir Introductory Meeting
January 25th at 7:00pm 
at Rabbi Daniel's Home
Cantor Joseph Ness and Rabbi Daniel will be discussing the possibility of our synagogue's involvement in a new Jewish community choir.
Text the Rabbi at 203-725-4104 if you would like to come and hear about what is possible.

Wisdom in Winter with Anthropology and Psychological Sciences Professor Dimitris Xygalatas, Author of Ritual
Tuesday Evenings at 7:00pm
February 4: Ritual and the Individual 
February 11: Ritual and Society 
February 18: Embodied Experience 
If you are interested in reading his novel before the lecture series, there are limited copies in the office available to be signed out. 

World Wide Wrap

Sunday, February 9th

Join BSBI Brotherhood for our annual World Wide Wrap. More details to come soon. 

Adult Education Classes

Parsha Study
Tuesday evenings at 7:30pm
Lunch & Learn
Wednesday afternoons at 12:00pm
*All three couses have open registration for the adedemic year
(Soar) On Eagle's Wings:
Jewish Discovery Course
Thursday, January 9th at 9:00am
Your First Class is Free! Contact Rabbi Daniel or Allison to get started.

Helpful Links

We have room for everyone here.

We welcome all people to our community regardless of age, gender identity, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, family, financial status, nationality, physical or mental ability.

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Thu, January 9 2025 9 Tevet 5785