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Sisterhood Mission Statement

The objectives of the Beth Sholom B’nai Israel Sisterhood shall be to:

  • Promote in every way possible the welfare of the congregation and its religious school
  • Stress ethical & religious practices in everyday living
  • Further Jewish education in the family
  • Create & foster Jewish sentiment in the home, stimulating the observances of home ceremonies & the dietary laws
  • Stress the observance of the Sabbath and festivals
  • Foster a sense of communal responsibility on the part of its members
  • Sponsor & encourage youth activities and affiliations
  • Sponsor & promote a general program of education & cultural activities in the congregation
  • Contribute to the support & encouragement of Jewish & Hebrew education
  • Participate in the work of the Torah Fund and the Jewish Theological Seminary, and other Seminary projects
  • Participate in activities to strengthen relationships with Israel
  • Engage in such civic & philanthropic activities as may be approved by the board of directors and the national Women’s League of Conservative Judaism.
Tue, March 11 2025 11 Adar 5785